Real Estate

mHeadShot           Member of the Feng Shui Real Estate Professionals Network

Monica Harris Andersen, CA BRE#01966044

Buying & Selling Real Estate With Feng Shui, Intention Met With Action



I have undertaken an in-depth Feng Shui Certification specifically for Real Estate, which will help me to prepare, market & sell your home in the optimum time for the best price. It is not Feng Shui for living in your home, it is Feng Shui for S E L L I N G your home. I know what to look for, what must be addressed and how, to optimize the sale of your home.


If you’re looking to buy a home, I can search properties and pre-qualify them, not only by your wish list, but also considering a Feng Shui profile that will be created specifically for you.

Have you ever walked into a space and felt calm, inspired, happy, relaxed, pleasant, or, alternatively . . . anxious, uncomfortable or like you just wanted to get out of there? You were feeling the energy of that space. Just as you can meet someone and feel an immediate magnetic pull towards them or something that turns you off, so can your environment have the same affect upon you. This feeling can be very strong and obvious, or very subtle.

There are specific types of structures, directions, furniture, furniture layouts, colors, shapes, materials, topography that will bring out the best in you. Often you are naturally drawn to them, maybe not even realizing why. Just as there are locations that will support you best, there can be locations that will not. Some of us work from our homes, which brings another energy into this environment.

Our homes are often one of our most significant financial investments. They can represent our retirement nest egg and finance college goals. They are also the place where we spend most of our time, enjoy and live our lives from. It is in our home where we rest, think, dream, entertain, and raise our families. Our homes contain and become the backdrop for many of our memories.

If we live amongst clutter, then clutter, stagnation, indecisiveness, chaos and confusion is sure to be burdening other areas of our lives as well. We can physically feel lifted and lighter just by clearing out a closet, desk or corner. Believe it or not, we are connected to our environments and they are a metaphorical example of us and our lives.

I would be honored to work with you, and take very seriously my fiduciary duty to you.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions:

Monica Harris Andersen | 949 584 7556 | |

Where I’ve Been, and How I Got Here

I’ve always been curious, and interested in learning. At the beginning of college I bounced around in my studies, finding it difficult to select only one single area of focus, because there was so much I wanted to know about. I dipped into art, nutrition, advertising & marketing, and fashion design. I was very fortunate to later have the opportunity to work for my parents publishing company for about 7 years. As I became capable to handle the production of the magazines, I gained experience in learning and working within many aspects & departments of magazine publishing from advertising sales, circulation, working with freelance writers & editors, photographers, directing photo shoots, and transitioning our typesetting, manual production and pre-press, into the desktop computer age. When the company sold in 1990, my sister and I started our own company creating logos, promotional literature and brochures for clients, including publishing a magazine for the scuba diving industry. During 1993-1996 I lived in Denmark 9-10 months of each year, learning the language and eventually traveling around the country, Sweden & Norway to buy Scandinavian Antiks that I exported to the US, and sold out of a small warehouse in Irvine. Returning to the states in 1996 with my Danish husband and first child, I happily settled in to Capistrano Beach and being a mom. We’ve lived and raised our three children in the same home on Palisades Drive in Capistrano Beach for the last 19 years. My husband Henrik has manufactured furniture out of Asia for almost 20 years, where I’ve been lightly involved with design input, merchandising & working trade shows.

Becoming a mother made me evaluate and question my world views, and ignited a desire to become better, and endeavor to contribute to a better world. I seemed to question everything and read voraciously. Through my yoga practice and interest in my family’s health, I came to study natural medicine, herbs, nutrition, Energy, quantum physics, meditation, permaculture, and Thich Nhat Hanh. While considering my real estate license, I started to investigate Feng Shui and found a specific Certification for Real Estate, that really touched a truth within me. I knew this was how I could begin to weave it all together, and help to make a difference for others.

It’s the energy work, and helping people to find and create the most supportive living and working environments for themselves and those they love, that really gets me excited about working with real estate.

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